Friday, March 02, 2007

A Win-win Scenario On Ebay For Buyer/sellers: Tips For Hunting Want It Now Postings


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"Ask And You Shall Receive" Policy Works!
You're one-of-a-kind baby clothes sat for the last month oneBay with no buyer. Why? Perhaps your item is sospecialized that buyers have a hard time finding you. Afterall, how many buyers are looking for a handmade rubber duckysweatshirt for an infant? You'd be surprised, if you knewthe right venues to bring those buyers to you. Maybesitting around eBay with your item listing isn't the rightapproach. Perhaps what you should be doing is going outthere and finding your buyer!
Until now, the only option on eBay was to hope someone wouldmake general searches for items and stores like yours.However, many Buyers get lost in the great web that makes upeBay. Fortunately, for these Buyers, they have a new routeto explore ? "Want It Now", or also affectionately known asWIN.
The easiest way to enter "Want It Now" on eBay is by goingdirectly to "Want It Now" online( Once you enter the homepage of WIN, you can either enter as a Buyer making a postor as a Seller browsing postings. The steps from therefollow the basic eBay protocol.
The beauty of "Want It Now" is Buyers can list theirrequests, referred to as posting, for free at this eBayspecial service. The Buyer's posting fits into one of over30 categories. Inside these postings, many Buyers includean exact description of this wanted item, along withpurchasing restrictions. Rather than wasting their timesearching through pages and pages of general Seller listingfor the exact item that they really want, these Buyers arehoping a Seller notices their "classified want ad" andpoints them in the right direction.
Sellers have long believed that in the eBay listing practiceof "If you build it, buyers will come". However, in thehighly competitive market of eBay, sitting still in one spotcan lead to sitting still in one spot for a really, reallylong time. A wise Seller is willing to go out and find hiscustomer and make a deal that increases the odds for a quickturn-around. "Want It Now" is chalk-full of Buyers whotruly are looking for what you're selling. Simply put, WINis an eager market of willing customers. The cost for aBuyer to browse around these classified ads is free and thebenefits are outstanding if you can convince a Seller ofyour match.
"Want It Now" hasn't been around a long time, under a year;still, this format's concept is an old familiar one. Manypeople's perception of this service is it's a lot like anauction, whereby bidders ask what's available before theactual sale to get a feel for what's out there. Otherpeople compare this set-up to a newspaper's classified wantads, whereby someone is searching for a service or productand wants the sellers to come compete for their business.Even though "Want It Now" is packed with numerouscategories, the best performing categories from theSeller/Buyer perspective is for highly specialized products& services (such as tickets and collectibles), highlysought-after items (such as electronics and clothing), andextreme deals (such as used book & CDs and bulk shopping).
Below is a sample of some WIN categories:
Antiques; Art; Books; Business & Industrial; Camera & Photo;Cell Phones; Clothing, Shoes & Accessories; Coins;Collectibles; Computers & Networking; Consumer Electronics;Crafts; Dolls & Bears; DVDs & Movies; EntertainmentMemorabilia; Gift Certificates; Health & Beauty; Home &Garden; Jewelry & Watches; Music; Music Instruments; Pottery& Glass; Real Estate; Sporting Goods; Sports Memorabilia,Cards & Fan Shop; Stamps; Tickets; Toys & Hobbies; Travel;Video Games; Everything Else; and eBay Motors.
The primary reason that Buyers use WIN is to find a match.For a Seller who works on commission, "Want It Now" is aripe venue for drawing very interested customers into youreBay store. Much like a special mailing announces abusyness's presence, informing a Buyer of your services anditems on eBay is employing WIN as a valuable marketing tool.Upon checking out a Buyer's posting, the Seller has theability to "respond" to the posting. Responding entailsentering your product or service's item number from eBay.The Buyer then receives an email regarding this item numberand has the prerogative of following up or not on this lead.
Do you want to know if a market does exist for your serviceor product? WIN is one way to conduct an easy andinexpensive informal market research. A Seller curiousabout what's hot or in demand can quickly scan these postingfor confirmation. What could be better for a new businessor reviving an existing business than staying ahead of on upand coming trends!
Although from the Seller's perspective, "Want It Now"requires a more assertive approach to finding Buyers thanwaiting around in your tiny corner of eBay, Sellers can useWIN to their advantage and improve their profits. Buyerslike the ease of using WIN and not fiddling around withpotentially getting an item that doesn't meet their needs.After all, what could be better than a source that announcesyour intentions clear and loud to a captive audience!
Jackie McCutcheon is the author of a new eBook titled "What to Sell on eBay to Make a Pretty Penny," a step-by-step guide to increasing your eBay profits. Learn more:


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Thursday, March 01, 2007

Authentic Or Fake?


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1. Admit It: Old business models are no longer working. The Internet is bringing us closer as geographical boundaries, language barriers and cultural differences melt right before our eyes. Is is authentic? Is it fake?? What is Real? HMMM...Is the real question defining reality... ?
2. Get the Facts: According to USA Today "Ebay has become a mirror of our times. More than 125 million people use it; $1,060 worth of products flow through it every second. Among the top 10 search terms on eBay in 2003 were four designer brands: Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Coach and Prada. Which designer brand will win 2005? A simple search on eBay will give you the real time information, pricing and style numbers. This information is free for offline and online retailers. If you plan on buying from the licensed wholesale distributor at regular wholesale prices better make sure your prices are competitive with eBay retailers selling Below wholesale.
3. Think Global: If you think eBay is big, this is only the tip of the iceberg. The Embassy of India recently announced "eBay, the World's Online Marketplace (NASDAQ: EBAY - has agreed to acquire Inc. and its subsidiary India Pvt. Ltd., the largest online marketplace in India. The acquisition is expected to close in the third quarter of calendar year 2004. There are currently 17 million Internet users in India, and the number is expected to grow to more than 30 million users in 2006." India Folio
4. Process and Plan: Once you have read the facts, process the facts. How will rapid globalization affect Your business? If Ma and Pa Kettle are surfing the internet while watching TV and ordering from India delivered for 1/2 price, where is your business going? Overtaken by this huge evolution of Internet communication, eBay has washed it's hands of policing counterfeits by instituting a inside Vero Team of registered trademark owners who have been given Carte Blanche to pull auctions suspected of selling goods that are infringing on copyrights.. is it legal? is it working?? A quick search on eBay for the words "Tiffany jewelry" January 14, 2005 produced thousands of results for items offered at below wholesale prices Search eBay . Search results for the words "Von Dutch", Tommy Hilifiger, Abercrombie, produces similar results.
Is Vero losing the battle to protect trademarks and copyrights or is Vero accepting the new pricing mechanism that is the result of the globalization brought on by the fastest growing internet company in the world? Mixed messages from Vero/Ebay regarding their policy is resulting in legal battles. Are Grey Market goods legal? Ebay Powersellers say yes and are fighting back and many are winning Read Taberone's Case - Grey Market Goods Tiffany says it is Not legal and the courts agreed that eBay should be taking stronger measures to protect trademark owners. Tiffany/eBay - MSNBC Report Von Dutch is handling the situation a little differently by posting a black list of companies on it's eBay About Me page. "If you bought products from one of these websites, YOU BOUGHT COUNTERFEIT GOODS." Some companies listed are coming forward claiming the statement is not true and invoices will prove it. Containers of brand name goods are entering the USA faster than ever as manufacturers and factories worldwide see new opportunities.
5. Get on Board! Whatever you decide to do - make sure you take a close look at the tremendous opportunity ahead. Celent Communications anticipates the online payment industry in the US will grow significantly over the next few years, rising to $12.5 billion in revenues by 2005. Consider new sources of inventory through off price wholesalers and importers. Where do you fit in this? Old school, new school? Grey area?
Jane's Closeout Marketplace offers a variety of suppliers including licensed wholesale distributors, manufacturers, off price wholesalers and Ebay powerseller suppliers. Buyers and sellers can use our e-Contract technology to make deals online. Ask questions, everything is recorded in writing between buyer and seller. Additional Benefits include 24 Hour Inpection, Community feedback program, order processing and since 1998 no upfront fees.
Please email comments to: feedback @ Thanks to Wholesale411 Community.
Jane Rothman
Jane Pate Arnold
Jane's Closeout Marketplace


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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Auctions Make Money!


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An untapped online business resource--outside of your basic Yahoo and Ebay, among others--is setting up your own auction sales venue.
Since most families have items in their home that have outlived their usefulness, they can get started at online auctions for mere pennies.
And, most selling online at auctions does not have start-up or membership fees. There is a nominal fee per item listed and a percentage commission on each sale. Still, you come out ahead.
With this minimum investment, many are flocking to auction sites to gain additional income to get their families and selves through the seemingly ever present economic downturn.
Besides the low financial risk, individuals see auctions as one of the select few online vehicles where scams are not associated, or not as prevalent as with most online business opportunities. Plus, a majority have ongoing fees which you must absorb; auctions do not.
As with most home business opportunities, to be successful at online auctions also takes time to learn the ropes. Many auction sites do much of the work for you, providing standard formats for the sellers to insert data. Sites further assist in communications between buyer and seller as well as additional support.
Perhaps the toughest part is finding the right products to sell. Don't think for a moment that Uncle Charlies' false teeth in a jar that you've preciously held onto for years will fetch thousands of dollars, although nowadays you never know. Irregardless, with sites such as Ebay with over a thousand categories, that remedies that headache!
With over 30 years of media experience plus background in special events, fundraising, development, grant writing and administration plus Internet marketing, Walt Pfarr is now writing his own e-course, ebook and soon will publish the PfarrOut ezine newsletter. He and his wife, Joann, reside in Oklahoma and he may be reached at


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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Auction Seller Guide To Success


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When its time to clean-up around the house, some people havea hard time deciding what to keep and what to throw out.What they need is an incentive.
How about collecting cash from stuff that was collectingdust?
You can do this by auctioning-off your unwanted or no longerneeded items on eBay. eBay is the largest online marketplace of its kind. If you are considering this, then youneed to gain some basic knowledge of the listing process.
Here is a 10-item checklist to go over before you beginselling:
1. Look at Other Seller Listings
Do a search for your item. See how other sellers list thesame or similar item. Take mental note of the category, thetitle, the description, the photo and the pricing.
2. Choose the Most Appropriate Category
Make sure your item is in the most appropriate category.Avoid placing it in a category where it doesn't belong.List your item in the wrong category, and people looking foryour item will not find it. Let eBay suggest the categoryfor you, if you are unsure which category your item belongs.
3. Write an Accurate Title for Your Listing
Make it easy for buyers to find your item in a search bywriting a precise title of it. Be as exact and detailed aspossible so your item can show up in broad keyword searchestoo. Avoid using hype words like "Best," "Great," or"Fantastic." Putting these words in the title will not helpbuyers find your item because they don't type in these typesof words in their searches.
4. Set Your Price Low
Entice your buyers by starting at a low price. Set areserve price in your listings so you don't have to sell itwhen the auction ends at too low of a price for you to makea profit.
5. Give Plenty of Time for Your Auction
Let as many people as possible see your auction. Set theduration for five or seven days so weekend buyers will havea chance to bid on your item too.
6. Show a Photo of Your Item
Take a digital photo of your item and post it with yourlisting. Let your buyers see what they are bidding on.Allow the photo to help you sell it. Having to seesomething first before you buy it is only natural. Applythis same principle to online auctions. Buying a digitalcamera is a good investment these days and instructions onloading pictures up to the eBay site are simple enough thatthere really is no excuse not to have a picture.
7. Give Buyers Plenty of Payment Options
Make it easy for the buyer to pay. Providing as manypayment options as available is better. Place in your itemlisting your own merchant account or credit card processorinformation. Sign up with Paypal if you don't have your ownmerchant account. Let buyers pay by check or money order ifyou don't provide payment through Paypal or credit cards.Including all payment options leaves no buyers behind.
8. Be Clear on Shipping and Handling Information
Avoid troubles or negative seller feedback by statingupfront your shipping costs. Mention this clearly in yourlisting. Include your return policy.
9. Give Contact Information
Gain the buyer's trust by freely stating your contactinformation. List your email, phone number or mailingaddress.
10. Keep on Testing
Review the auctions that have ended. Learn from the winsand losses. Try changing the category, title, descriptionor price if it didn't sell. Testing the individual elementsin the auction process is critical to your goal of becominga successful auction seller.
(c) Leroy Chan - All Rights reserved
Discover the "Insider Tricks" to making money on eBay. Visit Leroy Chan's site, Auction Seller Guide to receive a free 12-part auction selling course.


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Monday, February 26, 2007

Auction Sales - Keeping Customers You Worked So Hard To Get!


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If you've studied business concepts you know that finding a customer can be the most expensive part of the sales process. Once you've got a customer why not maximize the money you've already invested in the effort?
This time honored business concept certainly falls under the category of going the extra mile for a customer. Assuming your product, customer service, packaging and shipping all work together to create a positive feedback posting, here are a few simple ideas companies have been utilizing for years to help them stand out from the crowd and maximize the return on sales dollars:
? A personalized thank you
? A drop in
? A thank you gift
Personalized Thank You
Every package you send to a customer should include a personalized thank you letter. Personalized means there is a salutary greeting such as "Dear Customer Name" and your personalized signature. Why personalized? Ever hear the old sales adage, "Don't sell the product - sell the person?" It's taught to sales professionals because it works. A friendly thank you note near the end of a good transaction (more on this later) reminds the buyer they are thought of as a person, not just another sale or number. A personalized touch in today's impersonal marketplace is very refreshing.
The body copy of the note or letter is certainly up you but should be as specific to the transaction as possible (if you also include a packing slip/invoice the letter can be a little more generic). The goal of the note is to let the customer know they, and the sale, are important to you. Here's a short example:
Dear (Customer Name):
I just wanted to personally thank you for your winning bid on our (product name), Item #11111111111, enclosed. Our customers are very important to us. We realize you have a choice in selecting who you buy from and we greatly appreciate your business - now and in future.
(Your Signature)
Drop-ins and gifts
A drop-in or gift provide extra chances to say thank you, create customer loyalty, increase future sales, and maximize your return on the investment of finding your customers. As an example let's say you're selling pet supplies. For a few pennies each you can have refrigerator magnets printed like business cards that include your company name, email, eBay store, or website address. They can be as simple or complex as you can afford but only need to include something like:
Acme Pet Supplies (Your company name)
For All Your Pet's Needs (A marketing line is a good idea)
Your Website Address (Either a link to your website or auctions)
Other inexpensive drop-ins and gifts could be something as simple as a business card, a sales sheet listing all the product types you carry, a gift certificate (to be used on your e-commerce website) for a future purchase, or an offer for your free newsletter. If you're selling kitchen products you could include your favorite recipe, or if you're selling poker supplies - a print out of the best starting hands might be nice.
Closing the Sales Cycle
Do you remember my comment earlier when I mentioned "near the end of a good transaction"? If you consider sending the product (with a thank you note, drop-in or gift) the end of the sales process you are missing another great opportunity to increase sales and improve you customer relations. Don't consider the sales process completed until you send your valued customer one more email. About a week or ten days after shipping the product, send a follow-up email such as:
Dear Customer Name (again, make it as personal as possible):
Just wanted to follow up on our transaction and make sure everything went smoothly for you. We trust everything went well but if you had any problems please let us know. We are always looking for ways to improve our service and your input is very important to us. We will post positive feedback for you and hope you'll do the same for us. We look forward to doing business with you again in the future.
Thanks again,
Your Name
(Suggestion: To avoid spam filters, in the subject line of your email include the eBay or auction item name and number)
Are the efforts to include a note, a drop-in, a gift, and do follow-ups a little more work and expense? Of course, but with the aid of simple automation packages on your computer the follow-ups can be somewhat automated and the drop-in or gift will help you create a returning customer.
Copyright © Steven Woodward ? All Rights Reserved
About the Author:
Steven Woodward is the owner, editor and publisher of the Auction Sellers Network (ASN); a web site for individuals and companies who are serious about utilizing the online auction marketplace for their business. In addition to topical articles, ASN provides an extensive resource center, news feeds, member forums and classified ads. For more information or to become a member visit
No permission is needed to reproduce an unedited copy of this article as long the About the Author tag is left intact and included. We do request that we be informed where it is posted and reciprocal links will be considered.

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