It is a well known fact that the more pictures taken of an item, the better it will sell. Not only will you get more bids, but you will make a superior final profit. This is probably why this tip is the single most given tip when it comes to ebay.
Naturally, You will not list as many pictures as you should because E-bay's service charges per picture. Because of this you tend to ask yourself, do I really need another picture? This kind of thinking is bad for business. You should instead be asking yourself, how many useful pictures can I take of this item? This brings us to the big dilemma. Ebay charges you for every picture they host. So more pictures means a more expensive auction.
The best thing you can do as a seller is to look into subscribing to an Unlimited Picture Hosting Service. These services will host an unlimited number of pictures for you and some are very easy to use. Let me show you an example. My favorite is
I hope next time you put auction together you will consider posting more pictures, even if you have to use a free photo service. Some of the more popular are photo bucket, or snap fish but any will do.
If you do deicide to go with paid hosting, look into $8 a month will get you unlimited image uploads with no bandwith requirements, and that is unheard of. They do also offer a free template designer that is also nice.
Until next time, Have a great day!
I operate many affiliate programs in my spare time for sites including but not limited to If you need leads, contact me today! or Visit Foam for Auction Image Hosting
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