Friday, February 09, 2007
All Terrain Vehicles (atvs) Sell Well On Ebay
ATV auctions are healthy markets on eBay. All terrain vehicles have changed in the last few years (naturally) and the major change has been from one person ATVs to two person models.
The best selling atvs on eBay are:
* Bombardier
* Arctic Cat
* Kawasaki
* Polaris
* Yamaha
* Honda
* Suzuki
Demand is especially strong in the warm weather months, although snow mobiles are moderately
If you're going to ride all terrain vehicles, check out the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission's free safety report, #450:
If you're an ATV seller on eBay, you will be doing your buyers a service to refer to the publication above, and also to recommend the following protective gear should be worn every time your buyer rides an ATV:
Helmet - Select a helmet that bears the label of either the Department of Transportation, the American National Standards Institute or the Snell Memorial Foundation. The helmet should fit snugly and be securely fastened. Full-face helmets protect your face as well as your head. Open-face types are lighter and cooler, but should be used with a chin guard that will offer chin and mouth protection.
Eye protection - Eye protection is a must. If an object such as a rock, branch or even a bug hits you in the face, it will distract you and may cause blindness if it hits you in the eyes.
Regular sunglasses do not provide adequate protection. The helmet's face shield or a pair of riding goggles will protect your eyes properly. Select well-ventilated goggles that can be securely fastened and are free from scratches.
Gloves - Gloves provide protection from abrasions and help to keep your hands from getting sore, tired or cold. Off-road style motorcycle gloves provide a good combination of protection and comfort.
Boots - Riders should wear boots that lace up at least above the ankle for ankle support, with low heels to help prevent the boot from slipping off the footrests.
Shirt and pants - A long-sleeved shirt and long pants should be worn to reduce abrasions on the body.
Selling ATVs is a lucrative market on eBay -and for added profit, why not sell the safety equipment above? It will add to your bank account and protect your buyers.
Sydney Johnston, the AUCTION QUEEN, was one of the original sellers on eBay and has been selling on eBay since the winter of 1996. She is the originator and teacher of the famous Auction Genius Course, a powerful 16 hour multi media seminar on the Internet that teaches her students how to sell on ebay.
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Thursday, February 08, 2007
Affordable Online Car Auctions
Still hunting for the car of your dreams? Public car auctions online are becoming a happy hunting ground for car aficionados for they bring you a huge selection of affordable cars in various models at unbelievable prices.
With online car auctions you can buy a new car at prices, which are quite less than the manufacturer's price in the retail showroom. You can buy a car at price that you can afford. Automobile auctions have car prices which are among the most affordable and there are all kinds of options available to suit every kind of budget.
For instance, you can find all kinds of auto auctions online - from recreational vehicle auctions to buying used cars on line. Buying used cars online is a win-win situation for you for you can find cars that are practically new in their look and feel but have prices far less than the new ones. Some of the vehicles listed in internet vehicle auctions are still under factory warranty.
Internet auto auctions is open to the people residing anywhere. Online auto bidding auctions include quality vehicles, used luxury and economy cars and even online auctions for car parts and accessories.
Buying car of your dreams at affordable prices gives you immense joy. To make your dream a reality, all you have to do is review all the listed cars in the internet vehicle auctions sites. Most online car auctions try their best to ensure that the cars, which are listed for online public auto auctions are high-quality, well-maintained vehicles. You can decide how much you would like to spend after referring to the catalogues, which have a huge selection of cars in different categories.
But always keep in the mind that our public car auctions online do not give you a GUARANTEE or imply a WARRANTY of any type, kind, or nature on any purchase so make sure you know what you are bidding on.
This is a wholesale exchange between, you, the buyer, and the seller, this is not a retail used car showroom. Please make certain that you are comfortable buying in the "AS IS/Where IS" arena - you will be held financially responsible for any bids tendered.
If you are on the hunt to buy your dream car, visit for some truly affordable online car auctions. Registration is FREE with this auction site. You can choose to place a bid and if successful you will receive a confirmation message. If your bid fails to outbid the current high bidder you will be offered the option to place a higher bid.
Ben Stewart
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Wednesday, February 07, 2007
8 Top Tips For Successful Art Auction Listings
Why is it that some artists seem to make easy money on eBay whileothers struggle to break even? Seller A and seller B could be selling paintings of the same calibre, yet seller A turns a good profit year in year out and has Powerseller status, while seller B struggles to even make a profit at all. Often it has a lot to do with the look of their auction listings.
I have been selling my original artwork on eBay for 5 years now and boy was I green when I started off. I didn't own a digital camera - I used an ordinary camera with film ... you know that old stuff ... I would take photos of my artwork, then tramp into town, wait three days for the film to be developed, then scan the prints into my computer. The quality of my photos were obviously pretty poor in those days.
I didn't know anything about HTML, templates, how and when to list to get optimum benefit from my auctions. It's a wonder I even got off the ground! But get off the ground I did - though dogged persistence and a willingness to learn, I went from selling paintings for a couple of pounds/dollars, to earning a good full time living. These days I am a Powerseller and often get hundreds for my paintings.
So, here are my top tips to make your art auctions stand out and promote you from part - time pin money earner to top seller;
1; Think about KISS .... Keep It Simple Stupid! A listing that has lots of different colours, fonts, animated pictures, text in capitals can be very confusing for the reader. Don't bombard people with too much information.
2; Be factual in your description. If your item has a fault - list it. This way a buyer knows exactly what he/she is getting and there will be no negative feedback later. I have sold paintings that had repairs where they had had small rips in them. I was honest in the fact that the paintings weren't perfect, but my buyers were perfectly happy because they knew beforehand what they were buying.
3; Never be negative. Recently one artist who was struggling to sell anything at all (despite being a very good artist) complained how eBay just wasn't working for him. After looking at his auctions I could see why! His listings were basic to say the least, but he could have gotten away with that. What was stopping any chance of him selling were the words at the end of his auction;
"The artist is unwilling to offer this item at a lowerstarting price as to do so would be insulting."
Potential buyers might look at this statement and think "well I wouldn't want to insult anyone" or "well if you feel insulted, why list it?" and click away ... to someone else's paintings. Comments like this are far too negative.
4; When selling art, a picture paints a thousand words, as the saying goes. Try to make your pictures as high quality as possible. Include side views of your canvasses and possibly a room view. Don't clutter your listing with pictures of other artwork you have for sale - it's just confusing. If you have an eBay store, you will get automatic 'cross promotion' for several other items at the end of your auction anyway.
5; Don't undersell yourself / under price your work. Who takes 5 to 10 pounds / dollars as an opening bid price seriously? Only very well known, well established artists with large fan bases can get away with starting a listing so low. Until you are established, don't risk selling your art for pennies. You'll not even cover your listing fees, never mind make a profit.
6; Utilise keywords effectively. I saw a pencil drawing of a mum and baby Koala in a tree listed as "A mother's Love Original Pencil Drawing" Unfortunately, it is very unlikely that anyone will search "a", "mothers", or "love". Well maybe love .... but not in the context of an original drawing of an animal. The seller was wasting a lot of keyword space there. Better would have been something like "Original Contemporary Drawing SketchKoala Bear Bears" Doesn't mean much as a sentence in itself, but it is packed with keywords, people might use to find that type of item.
7; Offer excellent customer service. I have always prided myself on the number of positive feedbacks I have attained over the years. On various eBay IDs I have well over 1000 unique positive feedbacks. This is money in the bank! A happy customer will come back again and again, and it is much easier to sell to an existing customer than to gain a new one. Keep your buyers happy and they will reward you with loyalty and repeat purchases.
8; Have a 'ME' page. With art buying, people like to know who they are buying from. They like to 'get to know' the artist. If you can offer a small biography and artists statement on your me page, your potential buyer can feel like they already know you. I have a bio, a photo of myself with my artwork and a recent article that appeared in a regional arts and culture magazine. This allows buyers to see a friendly face - yours - and to feellike they know a little about you and 'where you're at' before they buy.
I hope these tips help you a with your eBay art career. There's loads more I could add, but eBay is a real learning curve. Often success comes simply though experience and trying different thing until you find something that works for you. The above tips, however, will get you off to a good start to becoming a successful eBay art seller.
Gail Miller is a professional artist whose wild funky artworkis a visual feast of line, colour and fun. Visit her brand new updated website at or her eBay store at
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Tuesday, February 06, 2007
8 Collectible Dolls That Sell Well On Eba
From the beginning, eBay's primary growth came from thecollectibles market. There are two basic models for eBaysales:
1. Currently available consumers goods. This is a price-driven model, and although smart sellers can earn above-average prices, buyers are there looking for a bargain andprice is the #1 consideration.
2. Other buyers are collectors, looking for one-of-a-kindunique items that they can't locate elsewhere. Here, priceisn't as important as it is with consumer goods. The powerof this market is obvious because, before eBay and theInternet, most collectors were confined to a local market.
Dolls have always been big sellers as eBay collectibles andeight of them are especially strong sellers:
1. The Cabbage Patch Kids began in 1978 and are never"sold". They are 'born' at Babyland General Hospital inCleveland, Georgia and proud parents pay an 'adoption fee'.The Cabbage Patch Kids were one of the greatest toyphenomenons of the later 20th century. At one time, it was acommon sight to see grown women shopping and lunching withtheir babies in hand. In restaurants, the Kids had their ownchairs and were always appropriately dressed for theweather.
2. Precious Moments began in the early 1970s when creatorSam Butcher began drawing the endearing teardrop-eyechildren as gifts for family and friends. Today Sam'sPrecious Moments artwork is among the most recognized in theworld, and eBay prices reflect this popularity.
3. Madame Alexander dolls were created in 1923. Thesebeloved dolls range from Charlie Brown to babies andchildren to elegant dressed women to glamorous and famouswomen like Greta Garbo and Judy Garland. With all thevarieties of costumes, a single doll can be a 1920s flapperas easily as a member of the court of Louis XIV.
4. Lee Middleton dolls, according to legend, are so real inappearance that grown men sent for a rescue squad to save"the baby" from a locked car! Mistaken identity issupposedly a frequent occurrence and the dolls have beencounted as "passengers" on airplanes and rescued from storecountertops to prevent the 'baby' from falling. As one happyowner says, "These dolls are so lifelike it's uncanny."
5. American Girl dolls are loved by millions of little girls(and grown ups, too!) They are not only from different timesand places, but are ethnically diverse: Felicity fromcolonial Virginia; Josephina from the 1830's in New Mexico;Kirsten is "a pioneer girl of strength and spirit growing upin Minnesota in 1854"; Addy is alive in the 186o's, havingescaped from slavery with her mother; Samantha is "a brightVictorian girl living with her wealthy grandmother in 1904";Kit is growing up in 193os, during America's GreatDepression; Molly lives in the 1940's while her dad is awayat war; Kaya is a Nez Perce Indian living in the northwest.
6. Hasbro dolls are one of the products of the giganticHasbro company, who claim to have been making toys for eightgenerations, including famous games like Monopoly, Scrabbleand Clue.
7. Bratz dolls, unlike older dolls like Madame Alexander andCabbage Patch Kids, have no long history as favorite toys orcollectibles. Nevertheless, their price has astonished eBaysellers and the Bratz collection was one of the 'super hits'of the 2003 holiday season and sales have been strong eversince.
8. And, no surprise, Barbie is the best-selling doll oneBay. Since Mattel has recently announced that Ken andBarbie will no longer be an "item", dolls from the 'good olddays' when the name "Barbie" was rarely heard without 'Ken',will inevitably become more valuable.
Anyone who loves and understands the doll market, can dovery well selling dolls on eBay. They've been strongsellers for the 10 years eBay has been in existence and arealmost certain to remain popular for years to come.
Learn how to sell on eBay with 16 hours of online instruction taught by a 10 year eBay veteran. Own an eBay business instead of an eBay hobby.
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Monday, February 05, 2007
7 Steps To Easier Ebay Shipping
If you're like me, you probably hate packing and shipping the things you sell on eBay.
Don't get me wrong, I love selling on eBay. I just don't like the shipping part. I find it monotonous to hunt for boxes, wrap the items, drive back and forth from the post office, and all the other steps involved in shipping.
Then there's the waiting for the buyer to receive the item. Has it arrived yet? Did it get damaged in shipping?
It took me a lot of trial and error to figure them out, but the following 7 steps will help make your job easier when it comes to shipping, as well as get rid of the stress of waiting for the item to be delivered to the buyer.
1. Professional Wrapping
When you wrap your item(s), wrap it professionally in nice, clean tissue paper. If breakable, be sure the item is wrapped with bubble wrap as well. Include a business card with your website information, name, address, or a printed statement showing the item(s) name, item(s) number, price paid, and a small hand-written note thanking the buyer for their purchase.
2. Insurance
Insurance is usually a good idea but in general, it should be an optional feature, with the decision left to the buyer. Remember two important things about insurance. First, insurance is VERY inexpensive. Therefore, in your description, you should state how much insurance would cost and recommend it. Second, you should also state in the description that if insurance is not purchased, you are not responsible for lost or damaged items.
3. Weighing
In order to provide accurate details and help in determining shipping costs, you need to know exact weights. The best option, which will save you many unnecessary trips to the post office, is to purchase a inexpensive quality scale for weighing your packages.
4. Postage
Instead of always running out of stamps or having to run to the post office to ship a smaller item, fill out the information located at where you can print stamps directly from your home computer.
5. Post Office Freebies
If you use the Priority Mail option through your post office, they will provide all your supplies for free. This includes boxes, labels, and tape. Best of all, they deliver all these supplies directly to your door. Get them at your local post office or go to request mailing supplies.
6. Ship-To Locations
Be sure to consider where you will ship to carefully. You will have buyers from around the world but you can limit where you will ship. Some people prefer to ship to the US, Canada, and European countries while others ship anywhere. The option is completely yours but keep in mind that there are some differences in how you wrap the package, the currency exchanges, and communication barriers between you and the buyer.
7. Delivery Confirmation
Unfortunately, some buyers will try to say they paid for an item but never received the auction item(s). When shipping, you should consider using delivery confirmation. This service is generally inexpensive and can end up saving you a ton, especially if the item(s) is higher priced.
Do yourself a favor and put these tips into action - you'll save yourself both time and hassles. Use the time you save to get more listings up, and watch your eBay income grow.
John Lenaghan offers success tips for making money on eBay, dropshippers and many other topics on the Online Auction Advisor website. Visit for more ways to improve your buying and selling on eBay.
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Sunday, February 04, 2007
7 Simple Steps To Profit Without Your Own Product
Most people do not succeed on the internet because they are selling products no one desperately wants.
If you want to be truly successful sell only things that people really really really want to buy!
Sounds simple? It is.
You only need to find out what people desperately want and then give it to them.
Unfortunately most people online (and offline) are ignoring this basic fundamental law to sales success.
So without further ado, just follow this 7 step system to profits even if haven't made a dime online yet....
1. Go to Ebay's 'Hot Item Forum' and find out what products and services are selling well.
2. Find a local wholesaler who sells the products or services that are selling well on Ebay who doesn't already sell on Ebay (most won't be)
3. Ask them, "If I was able to move X amount of units of your product, what percentage of your profits would you share with me?"
4. If they are interested and are willing to give you a decent share of their profits, get them to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement and a Joint Venture Contract. They are both simple documents that you can find and download from the Internet.
5. Arrange shipping with the company. Ask them to dropship the products to the people who have purchased from you on Ebay. (If they won't do this get them to ship pallets of the product to you for you to do the shipping.)
6. Get them to provide you with a complete list of their in-stock inventory. You'll then be in a position to offer related products to any ebay customers who purchase from you as extra backend sales. Just make sure you agree a good profit percentage on each backend product with the company.
7. Advertise the products on Ebay and rake in the cash. If you are a complete Ebay newbie or you have very limited time, go to the 'Easy Trading Assistant' homepage to do the selling for you if necessary.
This is a proven, simple, elegant formula for anybody with a few spare hours a month to make good profits online. It requires zero technical knowledge and even a complete newbie can get started immediately.
It only requires some surfing of Ebay & the Internet followed by a few phonecalls to some wholesalers. The rest is child's play. In fact you can even use the Ebay Trading Assistant to do the selling for you. (They would take a small cut of course).
Remember on Ebay the shipping cost is a standard extra that the bidder pays, so you should have no problem negotiating with the wholesaler a fair price to do the shipping for you.
The most important factor to increasing your income is to launch what I call your own little 'oil wells' which bring you in cash like clockwork. The above system shows you how easy this is to do.
A fantastic resource for this simple system is available at
Copyright 2004 Clifford Mee
About The Author
Clifford Mee is an author, internet marketer, hypnotist and success life coach. If you want to discover little known 'battle tested' strategies to persuade more customers to spend more money more frequently, then please visit his main website at
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