About City Police Departments Auctions
The City Police Departments handle and store all evidence and property that is seized or found until it is needed for court, returned to its owner, or can be destroyed. Destruction, disposal, or return of property is determined by the property and evidence officer in accordance with federal, state, and local law. Destruction, disposal, or return of evidence is to be determined by the officer who is assigned to the case.
Evidence, once vouchered and received by a unit, can no longer be removed or even physically examined without an authorized person signing for it. Evidence Unit personnel are responsible for writing court orders for destruction of drugs and for the burning of same in the City incinerator, after all appeals have been exhausted.
The City Police Departments also conduct public bicycle/ property auctions as well as seized and abandoned vehicles auctions. They will also sell miscellaneous items (small electronics, computer equipment, household items, cell phones, automobile accessories and jewelry). These auctions will be conducted on either the Internet and/or LIVE in person to interested bidders. The dates of these auctions vary depending on the amount of property that is inventoried. Sometimes there is a full or partial list of available items that are up for auction. They reserve the right to remove any items they choose up to and including the day of the auction before the auction commences.
Rules and information concerning auctions vary with each Police Department.
Direct Access to the Most Complete InformationSome of the more common auction items include:
used autos ? marine vehicles ? jet skis ? aircrafts ? homes ? real estate ? commercial property ? farm equipment ? industrial ? business ? electronics ? computers ? antiques ? art ? coins ? stamps ? appliances ? guns ? travel ? collectibles ? clothing ? crafts ? boats ? bikes ? motorcycles ? mobile homes ? jewelry ? toys ? cars ? trucks ? mopeds ? bicycles ? cameras ? televisions ? clocks ? furniture ? unclaimed property ? abandoned property ? personal property ? office furniture ? condominiums ? town homes ? commercial property ? vacant land ? single family homes ? machinery ? tools ? hardware ? building suppliesand much, much more...
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